Knee Injury Treatment – Non-Surgical and Surgical Options

Traumatic injuries to the knee are often very painful and can significantly affect a person’s ability to function. Proper treatment is important to minimize pain and restore a full range of motion. Depending on the severity of the knee injury, a patient may require a specialized physical therapy program or surgery. There are a variety of treatments available for a knee injury. Here are some common treatments. Listed below are the most common types of treatment for a knee injury.

Nonoperative treatment is the most common treatment for a knee injury. It is often appropriate for patients who do not engage in sports, do not work at a desk, or do not engage in activities that require pivoting stability. Nonoperative treatment involves using ice, elevation and bracing for 1 to 2 weeks. Anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed for the pain. In more severe cases, a structured physical therapy program is needed to restore range of motion and function. For athletes, a functional sports brace may be recommended.

Treatment options for acute knee injuries are limited. Nonsurgical treatments can be effective for patients who have not yet participated in any sports activity, who are not in an active job, or who do not perform activities that require pivoting stability. These non-surgical methods may include bracing the affected knee for one to two weeks, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications. For more serious injuries, however, further interventions may be required. A physician can discuss the different surgical procedures that are available and explain which ones are appropriate for the patient’s needs.

Some patients may opt for nonoperative treatment. This method is ideal for those who are not involved in sports, those who are sedentary, or those who do not participate in vigorous activities that require pivoting stability. Depending on the severity of the injury, a patient may undergo nonoperative treatment. In this case, the patient is placed in a brace for one to two weeks. The patient may need to take anti-inflammatory medications. In some cases, an arthrocentesis procedure is performed to remove fluid from the knee joint.

Other types of knee injuries are caused by stress, overuse, or ligaments. Fortunately, many of these conditions can be treated non-invasively and effectively. Even minor injuries can be treated with ice packs and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs. For more severe knee injury treatment, a doctor may recommend a knee brace or compression bandage for immobilization. It is important to keep the knee immobilized for at least a day or two to minimize the risk of further damage.

There are several treatment options for a knee injury. Nonsurgical treatments are often effective in treating a minor injury and will not require surgery. Physiatric surgery is another option. Physiotherapy can help prevent or alleviate pain and help the patient return to a normal lifestyle. Further, surgical treatments can include arthroscopic and open surgeries. The goal is to minimize any pain and discomfort while restoring normal function to a knee.

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